Sports massage therapy

Why Sports Massage Therapy?

Many athletes, coaches and those involved in all aspects of sport, consider Sports Massage Therapy to be an essential component of an athlete’s training and, ultimately, performance. It can be used pre event to prepare the body for activity, and post event as part of the recovery and healing process. Ideally, those involved in regular…

Dry Needling in Chippenham

Dry Needling in Chippenham

Dry Needling is a very successful medical treatment, working well in conjunction with soft tissue therapy. It uses very thin needles (the same as those used in acupuncture) without any medication (a dry needle) to achieve its aim. Dry Needling is used to treat pain and dysfunction caused by muscle problems, headaches, and some nerve…

chippenham 5miler

Chippenham 5 Miler

Looking forward to massaging at and running the Chippenham 5 Miler on Sunday for the Harriers team, race 3 in the Wiltshire Road Race League. I’ll be joining up again with event buddy, Steve of South West Massage, so will have time to catch my breath before cracking on with post event massage. Actually, I’m…

running injury recovery

Cycling and Running

Cycling has a reputation of being a specialised sport and needing a lot of expensive gear. Many runners see cyclists as a different breed to them (and vice versa!) and that cycling is not as demanding – cycling is perceived as less effort than running to runners. However there are a lot of benefits of…


Cycling Injuries and Prevention

Cycling is not just an activity involving the lower half of the body – cycling is a full body activity. Desk job cyclists have to spend many waking hours in the same position. Sitting, hunched over desks, phones as well as handlebars. Hours in similar positions creates imbalances, with overloading of muscles creating a feeling…

Brighton Marathon

Good Luck Brighton Marathon Runners

So many friends running Brighton Marathon, it’s been brilliant to be part of your training journey and hear about the highs and lows…however you do, pb or not, you all made it to the start line and there is a lot to be said for that. Can’t wait to hear your marathon stories… If you…

Chippenham sports massage therapist

Trail Running

Off road running is often considered difficult and more for ‘proper’ runners than road running. Whilst it is true that it is more technically challenging, it can also enhance road running (and not just by making you appreciate a smooth surface more!). As a keen off road runner and Chippenham Sports Massage Therapist, I get…

chippenham sports massage

That’s not a hill….this is a hill…

I am enjoying off road running at the moment, it’s a great way to improve general running strength. I challenged myself at The Rough and Tumble on Sunday 14th January. Billed as one of the toughest multi terrain races in Wiltshire, it certainly lived up to its reputation. There were a couple of hills that…

Marathon Massage

Marathon Massage

I’m starting 2018 extremely busy with 16 clients signing up for up for my Marathon Massage Therapy Packages and Ironman Massage Therapy packages. With clients from Chippenham, Corsham and Trowbridge – running club members and independent souls – it’s an exciting time as everyone starts their training with the usual New Year enthusiasm. Regular treatments…


Injury Prevention

Injury Prevention for Runners Running is an addictive sport and a great way to get ft, lose or maintain weight and socialise with like-minded people. Like most sports, though, there are some risks of injury inherent within it. The following suggestions are ways in which to mitigate that risk. Running shoes  Running is generally considered…
