cycling and running


Ever wondered how cycling and running can work together? In my first paid for commission by an online magazine, I look into their symbiotic relationship 🙂 “How this low-impact exercise significantly improved my running form”



Having had a spot of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness from an over ambitious strength workout I decided to do an investigation into the folk lore surrounding the best way of surviving an uncomfortable few days and discovered that, unfortunately, it’s more a case of suck it up, princess!    

Strength Training Demystified

Strength Training Demystified

Over lockdown I had time to do Continuing Professional Development that I’ve had my eye on for awhile. Strength and Conditioning for Therapists is a course created and delivered by Dr Claire Minshull, a well known and highly respected physiotherapist specialising in rehabilitation and conditioning. The course is specifically for therapists interested in the latest…

rehabilitation advice

Bring Peace and Love to Your Ankle Sprain Recovery

Most of us have experienced going over on an ankle whether running or some other seemingly innocuous activity. Instantly you are hobbling or sitting on the floor clutching the offending foot and, if a runner, wondering when you’ll run again and quickly stopping the Garmin. Advice for treatment has always followed acronyms based on similar…

Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave Therapy

Lower leg conditions such as plantar fasciitis and achillies tendinitis are often treated successfully using conventional strategies including strengthening, changing footwear and manual therapy. Occasionally, however, these conditions can prove resistant to conventional treatments. Podiatrist & Sports Scientist, Matt Hart, has introduced shockwave therapy at his clinic. Here he tells us why he has invested…

Winter Cycling Tips

Winter Cycling Tips

The halcyon days of Summer cycling are sadly gone, folks, and it’s time to put on our big pants and brace ourselves for the more unsettled, challenging conditions that Winter chucks our way. The following are some winter cycling tips I have put together for when you head out into the winter elements. CLOTHING -…

Ankle Injury

Ankle Rehab – The Wobble Cushion

I often recommend a wobble cushion for lower leg injuries and thought I would share a little more information as to why I love them. They have a number of functions including helping to improve ankle range of movement and control; strengthening of the soft tissues of the ankle joint; improving proprioception and balance.

3D Gait Analysis

3D Gait Analysis – The Benefits!

One of the primary goals for runners, regardless of ability, is trying to stay injury free. Many clinicians and speciality retailers for the management & prevention of lower limb injury consistently advise footwear. The commercially popular system often seen in running speciality stores with 2D gait analysis – filming from behind and advising motion control…

flexibility in Chippenham

Everyday Yoga

Yoga has many health benefits. It can help improve posture as some of the poses help strengthen abdominals and back muscles to fully support body weight and enabling us to sit and stand tall, preventing niggling injuries, aches and pains.

Menopause and Soft Tissue Therapy

Menopause and Soft Tissue Therapy

The menopause and its effects seems to be a subject verging on the taboo and yet the majority of women will pass through it, affecting us all in some way – male and female. A lesser-known effect of the reduction of oestrogen during this phase in our lives is the effect of the structure and…